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I'm So Sorry for Your Loss series launches on YouTube

Comedians Annie Louey and Fady Kassab. Image by Kamilla Musland

After months of work, I'm thrilled to launch a new sketch series, inspired by the year I spent working at a funeral home.

The series has just dropped on ABC TV's YouTube channel and you can catch all the episodes here.

I’m So Sorry for Your Loss sees a fictional version of Annie (with the same name) take on a job at a dysfunctional funeral home, while still grieving the loss of her father. Annie and her Middle Eastern boss, Sal, played by Fady Kassab (RAW Comedy Winner 2019) end up in farcical scenarios involving body mix ups, hearse disasters and a bogan funeral.

The cast list includes accomplished actors Gabrielle Chan (Hungry Ghosts, Miss Peony), Don Bridges (Jack Irish, Neighbours) and exciting comedians Stuart Daulman (Utopia, FancyBoy), Brett Blake, Honor Wolf and Zack Dyer.

The project was one of 10 successful pitches to receive $50,000 each of funding through ABC and Screen Australia’s Fresh Blood initiative, to support emerging talent. Up to three projects will receive funding for a pilot and one could be selected to become a six-episode TV series.

So happy watching and hopefully you'll get to see more in the future if we get a show!

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